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Does Ubot Work With Google Spreadsheets?

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I need to pull data from a Google spreadsheet into Ubot and then paste it into Gmail to search.


Can this even be done? I just checked the forums and I see hardly any information on any of you actually attempting this.

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Please tell me where I can learn how I can use Ubot to use the Google API to create a temporary sheet and then add, modify, delete, and pull data from this.  I would highly appreciate this.  Thank you.

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Please tell me where I can learn how I can use Ubot to use the Google API to create a temporary sheet and then add, modify, delete, and pull data from this.  I would highly appreciate this.  Thank you.


You would have to read the API Docs, this should be where you start: https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/


Also, I'm guessing you would need to setup an App and API key the same way you do for their other APIs so that would be here: https://console.developers.google.com

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  • 3 weeks later...


i also try to work with google spreadsheet....but now chance..

It constantly crashes in the Ubot  browser.

Finaly as a compromise i try to read the file in Autoit , pass the values to ubot and so on...but is so ...nasty.


I do not know how to work with api s..


Any better method?

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I agree that API is a very good idea, but i do not know how to use it.. Ubot was developed with the idea in mind that nonprogrammers will be able to use it...

i resolved the problem using windows command in Ubot,  a used shell to open firefox browser, clicked in url tab, entered the url of sheet, and after that i use extensively the keyboard event...tab, tab, Ctrl c...and store the values in clipboard, transfer them in variable ...and use them ....

Not to elegant but it is working,

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