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Problem With Ubot App

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Hey all,


I've got literally 1 user who tries to use the app created with ubot and it keeps just shutting itself down. The problem seems to have started with version .43 and persists. What can I do to help this person resolve the issue? I've already checked things like antirivirus, troubles with the operating system.


What else or is there a way to put in logging?



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might be bad internet, CEFbrowser is a very large download.


VS C++ distro 2015



ubot is 32bit so prolly just needs 32bit version

but both won't hurt


may need 2008-2015


Other than that you should provide more details about the users machine, would be helpful too.



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  • 2 months later...

Hey all,


I've got literally 1 user who tries to use the app created with ubot and it keeps just shutting itself down. The problem seems to have started with version .43 and persists. What can I do to help this person resolve the issue? I've already checked things like antirivirus, troubles with the operating system.


What else or is there a way to put in logging?




I'm having the same issue.


Been working on a bot testing it and all, then all of a sudden when I try to run the .exe, it starts up then shuts down. No bueno :angry:


P.S. The bot runs fine within uBot, but the compiled version starts and then dies.

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So today I was working on the bot some more...


As usual, trying to run the .exe immediately crashes. But.... this time I finally got an error from window that said a CEF sub-process failed. (I've tried both version of the browser.)


Here I come exBrowser.

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