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2Captcha Can Solve Google New Invisible Recaptcha

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Everybody has the fear of the new google invisible recaptcha,but 2captcha is able to solve the recaptcha


Invisible Captcha Demo Page


2captcha Guide to Solve the New Invisible Recaptcha

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I don't quite understand this,how do we implement this code of theirs into our bots,can someone make an ubot example of how it should look like!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Solving invisible captchas like on demo is easy. However I have problem with sth like on:



where the data-callback function is needed, but it is hidden inside javascript. Someone have an idea how to solve this? I'm willing to pay for this.

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I make it to the point where I change the value of g-recaptcha-response element to the answer token, but there's no form or button to submit.


The instruction at https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#invisible states that callback function should be called, but I cannot find it.


You can test and see how it works at https://search.google.com/search-console/mobile-friendly

Edited by koziu
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I make it to the point where I change the value of g-recaptcha-response element to the answer token, but there's no form or button to submit.


The instruction at https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#invisible states that callback function should be called, but I cannot find it.


You can test and see how it works at https://search.google.com/search-console/mobile-friendly


in most cases, you need to change the attribute of the 'submit' button itself, because it's likely to be different from site to site..


after changing the style of the g-response's textarea, find and change the style of the button too...

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Sorry, but I don't think you've checked the url I posted.


Google did a good job with hiding everything in javascript. You cannot just simply go and find it in the html source. In most such cases it is easy.


I already posted a few job offers on various platforms to help me with it and from a dozen or so applicants only 2 seems to understand the problem.

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It is necessary to use this url.

Besides, what if google starts to implementing this in other places. I want to be ready :)


No, not the URL.. the goal. Is this the only way to achieve it? Is this the only place you can check your site's mobile friendly status?


If it isn't: then why?

If it is: then maybe you forgot to search "mobile friendly test" in google or bing or yahoo or 3search or yandex or... well you get what i mean...


as for your next question, same question with above..

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Ok, nevermind.

It's not about the mobile test. I just asked about this specific problem on this specific url, I won't be looking elsewhere.

I didn't asked about other solution or workarounds. If there are no other ideas, then fine, let's drop the subject.

Edited by koziu
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