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Official And Unofficial Api's - What They Are And Why You Should Use Them Whenever Possible...

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Hey Guys and Gals,


An API is defined as -

Application programming interface


Specifically I am talking about web services like instagram, twitter and FB.



The biggest reason why they want u to use their APi's is that it is soooo much easier on the servers. It is far less information to send text in the form of JSON/XML rather all the other things that make it pretty ie the things you see through the unofficial API, your favorite browser.


People/bots abuse them and it ruins it for everyone including the abusers.

Why sell something that hurts 98% of your users?
only 2% can use the service making 500 threads posting 1000's of post per hour is just jams it all up, even for the people that the posts are intended for.

API's are for everyone's benefit. They are not to stop us they are there to control overall experience and regulate flow of traffic. Sure some services you cant do but that is because it was abused.


Which brings me to the unofficial API. If you must use the unofficial API then PLEASE use the same rules you would using the official API. Mostly, you should rate limit your bots and give the server time to react. Usually they specify a guideline for this in the API documentation.


If you don't regulate your self and be server friendly then you will see bans and capchas. Why make more work for yourself?


Most of these sites don't mind boasting there user counts and we are providing content too.


If you are not server friendly you are just attacking their server AKA DDOS'ng.


Please be server friendly and you and your customers posts will get more eyeballs and we all win!!!!!!


Thanks for reading! :)



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In addition to the above, remember your bots are exactly that. Bots. There's no need to rush, they don't need energy/food/fuel/pay and they work right around the clock. So take it easy and make a naturally flowing bot that would operate as you do, with nice waits and pauses. Rushing makes a mess.



And if you really want to help while keeping your bots fast, you could probably look up tons of different apis to work with here:

Edited by Ricx
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