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Ubot Code To Vb.net Script Convert

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Hi Guys


I just have a question. Is there any way that I can convert Ubot code to VB script or is there a PLUGIN or software that i can use to convert my script. 


Or do you guys have any suggestion regarding this!



Thank you very much






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I have actually discussed that before with some Ubot guru's, answer we received from seth was that it is against TOS to make something like that.

Maar miskien het ek wat vir jou (Skype (live): codeunknwn)

Edited by juicehunter
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Juicehunter..... Jy praat my taal... Gee meer inligting... Van waar is jy?


Why is it against UB TOS.... There is nothing wrong if I want to convert my UB code to VB. UB will still stay my 1 number programming software. I don't do skype anymore my friend. 

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I really hope someone will give me a good reason why it is against TOS... Juicehunter where is the link on that post about the convert to VB...

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it can't be against terms if you take a text file and convert it. maybe a ubot compiled exe or .ubot file.


I did c# one year or so ago to save time for a specific project. you just need to make a parser and a dictionary for conversion pretty simple.  One I made was specific to my project but to cover all the commands would probably be a bit more work for someone.

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If juicehunter is talking about what I think he's talking about (and yes we can read what he's saying), then what he intends to do is not only against TOS, it's also illegal. The issue is that uscript and vb.net are disparate languages, and the only way to make them compatible would be to manipulate UBot and repackage it as your own. 


But I'll do you one better. In the upcoming release of UBot Studio Developer Edition, you can compile bots into command line only tools. That means that you can run a uBot as a hidden process, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into vb.net or any other windows language.

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But I'll do you one better. In the upcoming release of UBot Studio Developer Edition, you can compile bots into command line only tools. That means that you can run a uBot as a hidden process, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into vb.net or any other windows language.

Now thats Awesome!!!!

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sounds like a nice feature.


seth quick one thou from a conversion point of view I think a lot of people are talking about a straight text conversion. Not using any ubot existing files/plugins or manipulating them or some tool for vb.net to control ubot or vice versa.


heres a basic example of what I think people are talking about.


taking a if statement in ubot and outputting a if statement in VB and so on for rest of commands not using any ubot file structure basically what the linked to tool does below for VB to c#

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But I'll do you one better. In the upcoming release of UBot Studio Developer Edition, you can compile bots into command line only tools. That means that you can run a uBot as a hidden process, allowing you to seamlessly integrate it into vb.net or any other windows language.


Seth that would be wonderful.. Yeah I do understand now why juicehunter said it is against the TOS. Now Seth could you please tell me when will that feature available "meaning the next developer edition" 

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Ek is 'n Hollander, so jy praat my taal ;)


Hollander waar kom jy daaraan dat ek jou taal praat "lag nou baie lekker :D ". Dis goed om te sien dat ek iemand kry wat Afrikaans kan praat. 

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Hollander waar kom jy daaraan dat ek jou taal praat "lag nou baie lekker :D ". Dis goed om te sien dat ek iemand kry wat Afrikaans kan praat. 

Afrikaans is oorspronklik die Hollandse taal, daarom is dit vir ons so maklik afrikaans te verstaan en praat. Kyk maar na jou vlag, is 'n Hollandse vlag met wat groen, zwart en geel daardeur.


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