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how click or find a Url

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Hello Hades999, 

Do you mean, (Dragging the link from the browser window over to the "Drag Commands Here". Then set the Element to a better one. Or Search Toolbox "Click".

click(<href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog">"Left Click""No")

There's training videos and tutorials with example codes all over the forum. Check them out.

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ui text box("Total Loops", #Cycles)
ui open file("Proxy List:", #Proxies)
ui stat monitor("Proxy:", #Proxy)
ui stat monitor("Position:", "{#Proxy_Pos} / {$list total(%Proxies)}")
set(#Proxy_Pos, 0, "Global")
ui text box("Domain:", #domain)
ui text box("Search key:", #skey)
clear list(%Proxies)
add list to list(%Proxies, $list from file(#Proxies), "Delete", "Global")
clear list(%useragents)
add list to list(%useragents, $list from file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\user-agent-list.txt"), "Delete", "Global")
loop(#Cycles) {
set(#position, $rand(0, 1729), "Global")
set user agent($list item(%useragents, #position))
clear cookies
Change Proxy()
navigate("http://www.google.com/search?q={#skey}&num=10&start=000", "Wait")
set(#INPUT Keyword, #domain, "Global")
clear list(%RESULTS)
add list to list(%RESULTS, $scrape attribute(<onmousedown=w"return rwt(this,'','','','1','*','','*','','',event)">, "href"), "Delete", "Global")
set(#RESULTS Row, 0, "Global")
loop($list total(%RESULTS)) {
if($contains($list item(%RESULTS, #RESULTS Row), #INPUT Keyword)) {
then {
click($element from text("<(href=\"{$list item(%RESULTS, #RESULTS Row)}\" AND onmousedown=w\"return rwt(this,*,event)\")>"), "Left Click", "No")
wait for browser event("Page Loaded", 10)
else {
increment(#RESULTS Row)
define Change Proxy {
if($comparison(#Proxy_Pos, ">=", $list total(%Proxies))) {
then {
set(#Proxy_Pos, 0, "Global")
else {
set(#Proxy, $list item(%Proxies, #Proxy_Pos), "Global")
change proxy(#Proxy)


Edited by hades999
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It just deleted the whole top part of my post. GREAT. god.

I'm half asleep so I'm sure someone would have a better elements. But this works fine for me with "Dog" and domain: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog
You'll need to add a if statement if you're going to stay with the current element's.

if("") {
    then {
    else if("") {

To find out if they have http https or www. As you'll see. Not all the URLS are http(s) some are, some or others. Need to use the above if to go threw and see if it matches unless you have the URL that's shown on google. Then you'll need to have the if, set the INput Key with the current format of the URL shown on google. 


Now that I think about it about to pass out on the keyboard, can just scrape the whole page, and IF the url is on the page, then have it click it. 

ui text box("Total Loops", #Cycles)
ui open file("Proxy List:", #Proxies)
ui stat monitor("Proxy:", #Proxy)
ui stat monitor("Position:", "{#Proxy_Pos} / {$list total(%Proxies)}")
set(#Proxy_Pos, 0, "Global")
ui text box("Domain:", #domain)
ui text box("Search key:", #skey)
clear list(%Proxies)
add list to list(%Proxies, $list from file(#Proxies), "Delete", "Global")
clear list(%useragents)
add list to list(%useragents, $list from file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\user-agent-list.txt"), "Delete", "Global")
loop(#Cycles) {
    set(#position, $rand(0, 1729), "Global")
    set user agent($list item(%useragents, #position))
    clear cookies
    Change Proxy()
    navigate("http://www.google.com/search?q={#skey}&num=10&start=000", "Wait")
    set(#INPUT Keyword, #domain, "Global")
    clear list(%RESULTS)
    add list to list(%RESULTS, $scrape attribute(<cite,class="_Rm">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global")
    set(#RESULTS Row, 0, "Global")
    loop($list total(%RESULTS)) {
        if($contains($list item(%RESULTS, #RESULTS Row), #INPUT Keyword)) {
            then {
                click(<href=#INPUT Keyword>, "Left Click", "No")
                wait for browser event("Page Loaded", 10)
            else {
        increment(#RESULTS Row)
define Change Proxy {
    if($comparison(#Proxy_Pos, ">=", $list total(%Proxies))) {
        then {
            set(#Proxy_Pos, 0, "Global")
        else {
    set(#Proxy, $list item(%Proxies, #Proxy_Pos), "Global")
    change proxy(#Proxy)



Edited by HaHaItsJake
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  • 2 years later...


plz help update post.

not find Keyword Arabic.

and click domain and next page.

thank you.


It just deleted the whole top part of my post. GREAT. god.

I'm half asleep so I'm sure someone would have a better elements. But this works fine for me with "Dog" and domain: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog
You'll need to add a if statement if you're going to stay with the current element's.

if("") {
    then {
    else if("") {

To find out if they have http https or www. As you'll see. Not all the URLS are http(s) some are, some or others. Need to use the above if to go threw and see if it matches unless you have the URL that's shown on google. Then you'll need to have the if, set the INput Key with the current format of the URL shown on google. 


Now that I think about it about to pass out on the keyboard, can just scrape the whole page, and IF the url is on the page, then have it click it. 

ui text box("Total Loops", #Cycles)
ui open file("Proxy List:", #Proxies)
ui stat monitor("Proxy:", #Proxy)
ui stat monitor("Position:", "{#Proxy_Pos} / {$list total(%Proxies)}")
set(#Proxy_Pos, 0, "Global")
ui text box("Domain:", #domain)
ui text box("Search key:", #skey)
clear list(%Proxies)
add list to list(%Proxies, $list from file(#Proxies), "Delete", "Global")
clear list(%useragents)
add list to list(%useragents, $list from file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\user-agent-list.txt"), "Delete", "Global")
loop(#Cycles) {
    set(#position, $rand(0, 1729), "Global")
    set user agent($list item(%useragents, #position))
    clear cookies
    Change Proxy()
    navigate("http://www.google.com/search?q={#skey}&num=10&start=000", "Wait")
    set(#INPUT Keyword, #domain, "Global")
    clear list(%RESULTS)
    add list to list(%RESULTS, $scrape attribute(<cite,class="_Rm">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global")
    set(#RESULTS Row, 0, "Global")
    loop($list total(%RESULTS)) {
        if($contains($list item(%RESULTS, #RESULTS Row), #INPUT Keyword)) {
            then {
                click(<href=#INPUT Keyword>, "Left Click", "No")
                wait for browser event("Page Loaded", 10)
            else {
        increment(#RESULTS Row)
define Change Proxy {
    if($comparison(#Proxy_Pos, ">=", $list total(%Proxies))) {
        then {
            set(#Proxy_Pos, 0, "Global")
        else {
    set(#Proxy, $list item(%Proxies, #Proxy_Pos), "Global")
    change proxy(#Proxy)



Edited by AhrimanSefid
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