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[FREE Plugin] Advanced Captcha (V3)

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what is "Header Acao" ?

from site say


If enabled will include Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* header in the response.\r\nUsed for cross-domain AJAX requests in web applications

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Ubotplugin.com End of Business Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you. Only in the last

Shouldn't the Plugin do the following for DBC to solve the Captcha Properly: Image Collected > Image Sent to DBC for Solving > DBC responds with CaptchaID > Plugin Pause > LOOP(Poll Captc (Beta) Remove command 2captcha.com Add new commands 2captcha.com audio captcha 2captcha.com click captcha 2captcha.com key captcha 2captcha.com normal captcha 2captcha.com recaptcha v1 2captc

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what is "Header Acao" ?

My guess is that it refers to Access Control Allow Origin: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Origin


Here's a more friendly explanation of its use: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10636611/how-does-access-control-allow-origin-header-work

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  • 2 weeks later... (BETA)
Add new command
2captcha.com recaptcha: all in one recaptcha V2, Invisible, V3
2captcha.com recaptcha: add new option "Header Acao","Pingback Url","Captcha Type"
2captcha.com pingback: pingback (callback) option that allows you to get the answer for your captcha automatically when it's ready. It allows you to get answers without making requests also allows you to avoid account suspension.
2captcha.com normal captcha:
Remove commands
2captcha.com recaptcha v1
2captcha.com recaptcha v2
2captcha.com recaptcha v2 invisible
2captcha.com recaptcha v3


is anybody have some code to show how the pingback working, and what is the pingback url should be, thanks!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

2captcha.com recaptcha: update command
wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
set(#GoogleKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global")
clear list(%Debug)
add list to list(%Debug,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com recaptcha", #AccessKey, #GoogleKey, $url, "", "", 50, 120, "", "", "", "Invisible"),"Delete","Global")
change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"value",$list item(%Debug,1))
run javascript("document.getElementById(\"recaptcha-demo-form\").submit();")
comment("run javascript(\"___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].aa.l.callback()\")")


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi pash,


Many time when I use your code above I receive in $list item(%Debug,1) error "Timeout" 

I set max timeout as 180 or even 300 and when 2captcha.com resolve in longer time then 180 i get error  "timeout"

Maybe you must extent this parametr in plugin??

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  • 11 months later...

My code works perfect on google demo site, but can't get it to work on below site, can anyone take a look please?  I don't understand how it can work on one site but the other


Work here on google demo site:  https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo

set(#captcha_url,$scrape attribute($element offset(<title="reCAPTCHA">,0),"src"),"Global")
define $trim to between(#trimto) {
    return($find regular expression(#trimto,"(?<=\\&k=)(.*?)(?=\\&)"))
set(#GoogleKey,$trim to between(#captcha_url),"Global")
clear list(%Debug)
add list to list(%Debug,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com recaptcha", #AccessKey, #GoogleKey, #url, "", "", 30, 120, "", "", "", "V2"),"Delete","Global")
change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"value",$list item(%Debug,1))
run javascript("document.getElementById(\"recaptcha-demo-form\").submit();")


Edited by myubo
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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone please take a look to the code above?

I think the problem is POST, in the google recaptcha demo above you just send this javascript to POST

run javascript("document.getElementById(\"recaptcha-demo-form\").submit();")

But on this website tec.work/account/my-account and many others recaptcha form isn't wrapped in a form so you can't send post with the javascript above.

Any suggestions guys?

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Hey thanks for the quick reply.  I just tried and still won't submit the recaptcha.


Here how would you submit any of these 3 recaptchas since they don't have a proper form/post?



And this one I understand since its wrapped in <form   action="/recaptcha-v2-checkbox.php"  method="post">


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Yes. The JS seems only working after manually hovering some elements, I guess. It's weird.

But honestly, I would simply use the Automaxed Browser Plugin and done:

do it()
define do it {
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.your-web-address.com/account/my-account")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[2]:kuTaGy wixui-button zKbzSQ", "Left Click")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse over", "Class[0]:recaptcha-checkbox goog-inline-block recaptcha-checkbox-unchecked rc-anchor-checkbox", "Center", "False")
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:recaptcha-checkbox goog-inline-block recaptcha-checkbox-unchecked rc-anchor-checkbox", "Left Click")

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I'm not sure why your are not getting the recaptcha... You should

I mean I can click the box too with uBot but it asks for recaptcha probably because of my used vpn IP addresses


Edited by myubo
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