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Best way to do a keyword:url list

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Hi can someone give me some advise on the best way to do a url:keyword list


So basically I need a list or keywords with corasponding urls, I have seen this done in this format before:





Which was done in text files, Is this the best way to do it? Maybe a user interface way? Considering on URL may have multiple keywords it may get a bit repetative doing it that way, any suggestions?


Also if I do it that way how do i go about importing that into ubot as url into 1 var and matching keyword into another var?


Just FYI I am not new to coding but new to Ubot, this is for an organic search bot which is my first Ubot project and of which is pretty much built apart from this final bit, traffic from the bot registers in Google Analytics as organic so it seems to be working.



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Ok thanks, I thought so.


Was not that difficult to work out here is the code for anyone else needing it:

    clear table(&targets)
    create table from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\data\\targets.csv", &targets)
    set(#random row, $rand(0, $eval($subtract($table total rows(&targets), 1))), "Global")
    set(#target keyword, $table cell(&targets, #random row, 0), "Global")
    set(#target url, $table cell(&targets, #random row, 1), "Global")

Had to add the eval function to stop it returning blank entries

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Nice you got it.


If you have multiple keywords in table cell, you can add them to list (instead of variable) by using "$list from text"....then you can access each item with "$list item".

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