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Command similar to PHP's explode?

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Hi everyone!


I was wondering if anyone had a good way to implement a function similar to the explode mechanism in PHP?


For example, if I have a sentence of items:

apples, oranges, pears


And I want to turn it into a list:

(0) apples

(1) oranges

(2) pears


How would I go about implementing this? It might be something simple I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated!

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ui text box("List", #list)
ui button("Add") {
    add list to list(%list, $list from text(#list, ","), "Delete", "Global")
    set(#list, "", "Global")


Here's a simple example. Add the string "apples,oranges,pears" to the text box, hit "add" and done. View > Debugger to see it populate the list. 


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