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[help] me in figuring out how to scrape data from facebook

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I posted this before but I made a bot to go to facebook and search for a word thus giving me a list of pages. I want to scrape those pages into a list and capture each one. My code is:



type text(<aria-label="search">, #search, "Standard")

clear list(%pages)

add list to list(%pages, $scrape sttribute(<class="text">, fullhref"), "Delete", "Global")


but when it scrapes the data it only gives me one link and not all the links. This is all happening within a javascript window, I presume. Any help will be much appreciated! I am including screen shots to show you what I mean. 


Yes I know this post is identical to my last one but I need help badly. 





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Don't use the built in search at the top, you're better off navigating to pages like this 

https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=[search term]&type=groups&init


That ones for groups, there's also pages. 


add list to list(%pages, $scrape attribute(<href=w"/groups/*/">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global")


Then something like this will scrape the group pages. In this example I'm using a wild card designated by the *. 

For pages use the search page :


https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=[search term]type=pages&init


and this will reliably scrape the page :


add list to list(%groups, $scrape attribute(<data-hovercard=w"/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=*">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global")

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