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[SELL] UbotLocker Web: Web Based Licensing Solution That Prevents Decompiling And Cracking

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Check around and let me know.

Maybe the host server blocks the output email either due to a sender limit or port getting blocked


[uBotter Labs]


Just waiting for my host to get back to me now, ...

And yes, i think this happened before (exact same time i locked myself out of the lic admin), but for the life of me i cant remember how i resolved it :/


In the mean time, any chance you could possibly shoot me a link to the original Unleashed locker files ?

(I seem to have misplaced them)







EDIT : Figured I would let you know the situation, ...

The auto mailing is now working again.


Couldn't tell you what the issue was or how it was resolved but none the less glad its working again.

It's a strange old existence sometimes lol.

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UPDATE: Hello all, After many years I am stepping down from maintaining Ubotlocker. I will no longer be selling Ubotlocker, and will stop providing support. After consulting with both T

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I have the same problem and none of my client license are getting sent out, did you overwrite the original files?  No idea whats wrong and have confirmed php sendmail is working fine..  very annoying..





Just waiting for my host to get back to me now, ...

And yes, i think this happened before (exact same time i locked myself out of the lic admin), but for the life of me i cant remember how i resolved it :/


In the mean time, any chance you could possibly shoot me a link to the original Unleashed locker files ?

(I seem to have misplaced them)







EDIT : Figured I would let you know the situation, ...

The auto mailing is now working again.


Couldn't tell you what the issue was or how it was resolved but none the less glad its working again.

It's a strange old existence sometimes lol.

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I have the same problem and none of my client license are getting sent out, did you overwrite the original files?  No idea whats wrong and have confirmed php sendmail is working fine..  very annoying..


Hey there,

Unfortunately I will not be any help here :/


I still to this day have no idea what caused it, ...

I refused to replace any files specifically based on the fact that it was working fine for a couple of years (bar 1 similar issue a while back which i think was SSL/https related).

I did contact my host and they basically gave me my mail settings which were indeed the exact same as the details that were present from day 1, but for some mysterious reason it started working as quick as it stopped.


I'm not one to 'rock the boat' so to speak so I just chalked it up to gremlins ... On a side note I loathe not figuring a problem out, but on this occasion I decided to take it on the chin lol



See, told ya', rubbish help lol


However I will suggest you contact your host 'just in case' (if you have not already of course).



Sorry i can't offer any pearls or wisdom :/

Hope you figure it out!





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Thanks for the replies.  Ive had this problem since I went to php 7 , everything else is fine except email which like you Cyber was working till this point without any changes.. Its been a wile now.

I have contacted my host, we did a few tests and sure enough their script is working fine, same server.

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Did you get a chance to look at that?



No worries guys, will check the phpmail part this weekend.
Please reach me over Skype Sunday afternoon and will check together.

[uBotter Labs]

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Did you get a chance to look at that?

Not yet but will this week.

Any of you who uses the Ubotlocker unleashed mod can easily check and update the phpmail extension from GitHub.

Later this week will post here a tut how to do it easily.


[uBotter Labs]

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where the reset license link?

Reset link for what. Be more explicit.

There is no reset link for Ubotlocker, for that you must contact meter and I recommend you don't activate in multiple machines and abuse with resets, activate in a single machine only, or your license will be blocked permanently.


[uBotter Labs]

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Reset link for what. Be more explicit.

There is no reset link for Ubotlocker, for that you must contact meter and I recommend you don't activate in multiple machines and abuse with resets, activate in a single machine only, or your license will be blocked permanently.


[uBotter Labs]



Yes, reset for UbotLocker

I'm reinstall my machine...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Can somebody please provide a link or some basic instructions as to which sql plugin to install on my webserver so Ubot Locker will work with newer versions of PHP? I can't access anything in my Ubot locker back-end at the moment, much appreciated!


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This mod will solve the php 7+ issues on servers and add more functionality for you




As for getting a hold of meter, or macster whos a reseller 

macster skype:  web.ing


PM in forums ask support at https://support.ubotstudio.com

to grant you access, give them license email and forum username to grant access for.

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Hi guys, just want to announce that TJ is now also an authorized reseller of Ubotlocker :) You can purchase Ubotlocker directly from him, and it will come bundled with his software:


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