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Consistent crash behavior

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I'm not sure what the problem is here, but I have a consistent crash behavior when looping through a particular list of links, to post them to twitter and return a list of all the resulting shortened twitter links.


So far on multiple occasions, I've received an error when it reaches the same point in the list. I get an actual cryptic UBot error message that says something about an incorrect object reference, and I'm given the choice of stopping the script, or continuing.


If I continue, the script continues to do its business just fine, however at each loop I get the same error, a couple of times.


If I elect to stop the script, I still get the same error about 3 or 4 more times.


In addition, I've noticed that once this error happens, UBot is basically dead. The browser won't respond, editing nodes sometimes works, but usually doesn't. I can't even quit UBot except via Task Manager.


I'm not sure what to make of this... since it keeps happening once it hits the same number of links having been posted to Twitter, I'm almost thinking it's some sort of memory leak problem. Though memory usage doesn't actually seem to be unreasonably high or anything.


I've attached the bot in case anyone can spot any glaring issues with it. The specific error happens during a check for $exists, designed to see if the link that was posted, is actually present on the twitter profile and can be grabbed.


Thanks all!


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