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Found 3 results

  1. Using the built in email verifier the script crashes randomly with this error. simple code, so not much to debug on my end. connect to mail server("IMAP With SSL","userremoved@gmail.com","passwordremoved","imap.gmail.com",993) { verify emails("Love .*","https://.*","Processed Verification Emails") } So it logs in successfully to gmail, downloads all the email headers (hundreds match the query above) and looks for any with a subject that starts with "Love " and any thing after it (the .* wildcard). If it finds a subject that matches it clicks the first link it finds (the only one i
  2. I'm trying to make a bot with what I'm pretty sure would be considered some very basic email verification, but it's giving me problems. Here's the mail part of the bot: http://i.imgur.com/kyyeFxx.jpg It connects via POP just fine, and if I go to the verify emails wizard, it brings up the emails in the account just fine as well. But if I try to run the verify emails node, it gives me the error in the title. What am I missing?
  3. Whenever I execute the connect to mail server and verify emails my browser freezes. It isn't as big deal as I can still navigate to another site. I was just wondering if this is normal?
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