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Found 10 results

  1. Ends Dec. 31, 2019 Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to execute your tests against different browsers, not just Firefox, Chrome (unlike Selenium IDE). WebDriver also enables you to use a programming language in creating your test scripts Search Results Coupon Code is in the video!! Product page https://ubotdocta.com/products/uncategorized/threading-running-selenium-with-the-chrome-browser-in-ubot-studio-source-code/ Supplemental tutorial - not everything is discussed here. It is in the source code. Regards, Nick
  2. As you may be aware threading in UBot v4 is not safe and may not work as expect under certain conditions, which would result in threads slowly dying out, so at the end, you only get left with 1 active thread, although you coded the bot to run with multiple (problem explained here). Threads Counter plugin was created to solve threading problems in UBot v4 by providing a dedicated Threads Counter to your UBot environment which allows you to implement threading properly. "$threads counter" function allows you to perform 4 different operations, which can be seen on image bellow, and are quite se
  3. Hi there, I have multithreading working well in my bot, but I'm trying to enhance the functionality to allow for a user to cancel the process before the multithreading completes and having some issues. This is some code from the multithreaded proxy checker part of the bot, as it's the most simple threading, and wanted to get it working first before trying to implement the same enhancements on the main bot process. Approach #1: First i tried changing it from looping through the number of proxies to check to using a loop while #cancelProxyTesting = false, and added a button that sets #canc
  4. Hi there, I'm trying to figure out how to handle proxies in my multithreaded bot. Right now, there's a master list of search terms it uses, and a master list of proxies it pulls from. For the search terms it pulls, it's using standard threading and next list item, and for the proxy grabbing it uses a random proxy from the master list. Everything works great for the most part, but now I'm trying to figure out how to handle bad/blocked proxies. I had originally tried copying a the global Master Proxy List to a local list inside the thread, pulling a random proxy from that list,
  5. Ok so im having a big issue, ive been trying to use thread spawn to make accounts but when i use the account data to generate usernames, passwords, emails it uses the same info on each thread, ive also tried changing it to local instead of global but no luck, even used account reset but maybe im placing it in the wrong position idk, but what i am trying to do is make a simple account creator with the account data parameters via thread spawn. Ive been stuck on this for hours now and its driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!
  6. Hey Ladies and Gent's, Introducing Asynco A Technique in Threading... http://network.ubotstudio.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/12/thread-docta-pro-edition.png http://network.ubotstudio.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/12/ubot-advanced-threading-boot-camp-550-b-r-600x600.png Updated and some example codes, read this. Basically what this does is: splits a list into a bunch of other lists spins up threads based on how many lists there are each thread loops through their respective lists until complete combines all list into oneSay you have 1000 usernames an
  7. Dear Ubot Team! This thread was opened in reference to my open letter to you: EDIT: I sent the letter to Seth personally, since it seems to have been deleted from the forums. This was not my idea at all, I'm just trying to spread the word, and I hope I'll be able to reference the right users (and topics) here. If I'm not mistaken this issue was first brought to our attention by UbotDev here: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15122-must-read-threading-doesnt-work-as-expected-tested-in-v4/ He was also the first who was able to provide a fix for this (can't thank you enough
  8. I'm struggling a bit with list scopes tonight, pertaining to multi-threading. I see that "add item to list" and "add list to list" have a scope option, so I can set them as local lists in a thread. What I don't understand is why list commands such as "clear list" do not have a scope option? How do I clear a local list? I'm trying to thread one of my bots that is currently unthreaded. The threaded part will need to write data to temporary lists, manipulate that list data using other lists, and then output certain results to a global table. What I'm struggling with is the full grasp of control
  9. Is there anyway to have multiple mouse coursers for each thread separately? thanks
  10. Hi Guys I made this bot that will go to hidemyass.com, scrape the proxy list, and then run simultaneous threads (based on TJ's script). The only thing it doesn't do is pickup bad/dead proxies. I thought scraping them straight from HMA would work, but not too well, maybe 50% failure rate. Any suggestions welcome :-) ui drop down("Thread Count", "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", #num threads) comment("set total number of runs, I just made it 24 for testing purposes") set(#number accounts, 24, "Global") set(#num created, 0, "Global") set(#used threads, 0, "Global") loop(1) { navigate("http://www.hide
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