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Found 14 results

  1. i tried the bot bank image command, but it failed on every computer. anyone able to use it? is there any prerequisites to use it? version: 5.9.55
  2. Anyone have problems with image functions after compiling a bot? In UBOT 5 (latest version), I can use these image functions just fine such as "reduce image quality" and "add text to image". But, once compiled into exe, these functions don't work. Anyone have this problem and know of a fix? Thank you.
  3. Hi i hope you can help me. i get a problem when i want to upload images on pinterest. i have login to my account. then click pins and create pin. the problem is when i click upload image, it always redirected to my homepage. i try it manualy and it shows same problem. i want to upload random images on special folder. but i still stuck on upload image problem. here is my code ui block text("List Url Web",#list url web) navigate("{#homepage username}pins/","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(5) click(<innertext=w"Create Pin">,"Left Click","No") wait for browser ev
  4. Is it possible with ubot to make collages? E.g. program takes 4 or more images randomly from a folder and creates one collage image of it like attached picture shows
  5. Hi all! Im trying to get the image url of the products in amazon but i cannot retrieve the image url exactly, does anybody know how to do it? pls share it with me, thanks ahead! i want to get the url and save it to a csv file. this is my code add list to list(%amazonimageurls,$scrape attribute(<id="imgTagWrapperId">,"src"),"Delete","Global") add list to table as column(&photo,0,0,%amazonimageurls) save to file("{$special folder("Desktop")}/photo.csv",&photo) http://prntscr.com/fsm32h
  6. im trying to upload image to hotmail but not working changing file field its seem to me a solution, i read about this on forum but can't get it work link to upload image https://account.microsoft.com/profile/edit/picture?ru=https://account.microsoft.com/#/ change attribute(<click="ng-click">,"value","D:\\UBot Studio\\Project\\Email\\Email Creator\\Hotmail\\Images\\1.jpg") It is possible what i need or i just losing my time?
  7. Hello my friends. I have a problem with russian captcha. I wrote project: ui stat monitor("Captcha",#captcha) navigate("https://passport.yandex.ru/registration?mode=register&retpath=https:%2F%2Fpassport.yandex.ru%2Fpassport%3Fmode%3Dpassport&origin=passport_auth2reg","Wait") wait for element(<class="human-confirmation-switch human-confirmation-via-captcha">,"","Appear") click(<class="human-confirmation-switch human-confirmation-via-captcha">,"Left Click","No") wait for element(<src=w"https://*.captcha.yandex.net/image?key=*">,"","Appear") set(#yacapdefault,$solve capt
  8. hi, need to save a lot of images direct from url and save them with there defauld name add list to list(%image url,$list from file("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\image url list.txt"),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%image url)) { set(#image name,$next list item(%image url),"Global") plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket container") { plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket download file", $next list item(%image url), "D:\\image\\1.jpg") } } but i want the image to be saved not with 1.jpg but with default name for example: http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/4243
  9. I had tons of help from this community and learned so much from you guys, so i thought maybe i can give something back once a while Special thanks to a2mateit For this tutorial you need Aymen's HTTP plugin that can be found here : http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12837-sell-http-post-plugin-crazy-bonuses-inside/ And you need a basic base64 converter : http://webcodertools.com/imagetobase64converter First convert your image with webcodertools and copy the image tag : http://i.imgur.com/LfMVMf8.png Then copy it into $html decode from Aymen's HTTP plugin : http://i
  10. To go with my Gmail Account Creator, I am creating a G+ Poster, but the problem is that I don't know how to upload images onto G+ through Ubot...
  11. I'm working on a Google images scraper that I plan on selling the source code to, and I was looking for beta testers to test out the compiled version that I have so far. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mhpdfavejlxpwoo/Google%20Image%20Scraper%20Beta.exe http://gyazo.com/b41c599680001be9e2b70e90d40d0de6.png http://gyazo.com/72e65a98c0d98396d4c8ffbe716da4c0.png
  12. I'm creating a bot that goes through a list of URLs in one column, saves the fastest suggested route in google maps to the next column, and then saves a screenshot of the map to the third column. I'm having the hardest time trying to save an image to a table cell. Is there any way to go about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is my code: navigate("maps.google.com", "Wait") click(<id="d_launch">, "Left Click", "No") create table from file("C:\\Users\\Katelynn\\Desktop\\addresses.txt", &my table) set(#row_num, 0, "Global") clear list(%places) loop($table total ro
  13. Hi, Im new into Ubot and also newbie about programming. I have a problems: 1:) is it possible to automatically rename an image file in your folder from the list of names I have in text?. 2:) if its possible then can it automatically choose the file and upload it in a website than can increment each time a successful sign up?. Thanks.
  14. Oki my problem is this I have a flash form one of the fields is in the middle of the page ubot doesn't see the image of the field so i need to scroll down or focus on something that is near that element but there is nothing to focus on so I tried sending a key page down this will center the page in the middle but it's not working is there any workaround that I haven't read about . Thanks .
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