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Found 6 results

  1. Hi there. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to get like current date in a specific format? I have the datetime manipulation plugin, but it has incorrect output. Example, i want an "M" which would say Jul Any way to make this? Javascript? Thanks!
  2. Hey Everyone, I've got a new plugin for you, which will let you manipulate any kind of dates and/or times (even conversion from and to different culture/language). Plugin will add a new function called "$datetime manipulation", and you'll find it under system functions. For more information and download please visit http://ubotdev.com/free-plugin-datetime-manipualtion Direct Download Screenshot: http://ubotdev.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DATETIME-Manipulation.png Examples of Usage - UBot Code Snippets: Get Time Difference Between 2 Dates /TimesConvert From One Date/Time Fo
  3. Hi! I'm trying to get ubot to type yesterdays date. Anyone know how to get this done? I know the $date function will provide today's date and time but I'm not sure how to remove the time and simply -1 the day. I would also need to do the same thing but -4 days so I can create a date range. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hello, I have been working on a bot to login into gmail, search for a email according to the title. Question I have is how can I get ubot to search for the subject and the current date in that subject. For instance: Web Design Leads - Saturday December 14 2013. Where it is looking for the subject line on the page that has the current date. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  5. Didn't find anything on the forum about this yet, so hopefully this will be useful to anyone searching how to do it in the future. Was using javascript to generate random dates before, but like this way better as it doesn't need a webpage. You will need the free datetime manipulation plugin created by UBotDev.com: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13665-free-plugin-datetime-manipulation/ Thanks should go to UBotDev.com for creating and giving out this very handy plugin for free. Example code below: define $Random DateTime(#date start, #date end) { set(#date start u
  6. I wonder if there is fellow UBOTers that could help me to inc the date by day inc. here is my not working code ui stat monitor("Date : ", #Date) loop(100) { set(#Date, $substring($date, 0, 10), "Global") wait(3) } thank you all
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