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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys, First of all, we have the cheapest rate in the market with recaptcha tokens solution. we have the best offers. we can share with all developers revenue from customers. if you are big developer we have better and the best offers for you. On the other hand, we have the best speed in the market and we can go down with our prices, if you would send more than 20k-50k recaptchas daily, we can offer better prices. http://www.imagetyperz.com/ Recaptchas price with tokens: $2,50 per 1000 recaptchas! 1. 10% developers fee. each developer can get 10% income from all incoming captchas via own
  2. We are a visa processing company and having problem processing visa for people from Bangladesh willing to go to India. Indian embassy requires a printed page copy (of pdf obtained from the online system) with a date (on the right side of the document) issued through their online system. We can download the pdf any time of the day but there will be no date on them. The server opens for date only for 3 minutes (8:40 AM to 8: 43 Dhaka Time) A lot of people hits on the site from 8:10 am DT to 9:00 and so the site gets very busy and pages load after reloading several times.(Is there any other way t
  3. Anyone know how to solve flash games captchas? like the one for textnow.com ...
  4. How do you guys setup your bot to wait until the captcha is solved, before going further ? Right now i got a site which cannot use Captcha Sniper and i don't have an account anymore with deatbycaptcha. The good thing is, you don't get a captcha served very often so i just let the bot work in the background while i do other things and once in a while, i get a prompt asking to solve the captcha which is fine but if i'm not around, after a few secs, it moves on without any solving on my part, which is bad !!! My goal is to: 1) Manually solve the captcha when they appear (prompt appears) 2) Ma
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