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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. The reason there is no close button is because it's designed to use html...if you spend hours designing something really cool, it is likely a standard close button will look ridiculous against your design. All ui elements are designed to interact with the browser window. For the time being, you will have to use the X to close the window until Eddie comes up with another solution. John
  2. Right. I understand. Now he's trying to create a ui button in the ui html panel that will do it for him. he can do it with a regular ui button and wants to know how to use the ui html button to do the same. John
  3. To the OP...did you upload them to your server and check the paths in your html? John also, read here: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10252-how-to-include-css-and-js-files-in-ui-html-box/page__pid__52891&do=findComment&comment=52891
  4. What is it you want to do? Although it does not directly support other languages you can still call various scripts, etc. For example, you could create a VB script and have UBot run it via the shell command. John
  5. Right...I typically handle it as explained by Kreatus. Just add the code in your html. (although both methods work fine) John
  6. Go to: http://learnubot.com/version4-2/ubot-studio-tutorials-v4-3-ui-html-panel-elements/ it starts around 9:37 John
  7. Here is some quick code that clears everything: John Clear ALL Cookies.ubot
  8. Can't see your image, and I have no idea what site you are working with. Need some more info. John
  9. This would likely require a LOT of working proxies. Is that something you have? John
  10. If you are only trying to replace urls's, you should be able to use regex for that. In Ubot you would use the $replace regular expression function. Here is an example of a regex string looking for urls within full text: \b(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$] John
  11. Here ya go: navigate("http://www.submitmypressrelease.com/registration", "Wait") change attribute(<name="user[contact_company_url]">, "value", "http://mydomain.com") John
  12. It is there...in the dev license. http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif John
  13. Very Cool...I love shortcut tools! +1
  14. change the scraped attribute to full href...you are using href which is a relative path John
  15. It's not a bug simply because it is exactly the same as the ui html panel (it just places it in the tools menu)...It works as it's supposed to. The ui html panel doesn't have buttons either. John
  16. I see what you're saying, but it does store the information when you close it. I'll let Eddie know though that it's a concern. John
  17. You don't need to name the variables...just add the items to a list along with the appropriate html add item to list <a href="$table cell>$other table cell</a> does that make sense? John
  18. np http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif John
  19. JohnB

    Check Boxes

    Just drag it in the script as checked and you won't need to determine if it is or isn't. John
  20. Yeah..with dev you design it in html..anything you can think of you can do (within the scope of html of course) John
  21. No there is no other way. John
  22. Are you using a ui text box or a ui text block? When you create the list from a list in the ui you need to create $list from text and use $new line as the delimeter. John
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