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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Ok, this thread gave me a great idea (I think). here's what I did: I installed a simple membership site requiring registration (also good for list building). The registration page is the "successful payment" redirect from Paypal. After they register it sends them their login info. When they login they will be taken to a page with an image. The image has specific "alt" tags. The first script of the bot will be the login page. If the login is successful the bot will search for the alt tag, after which it will allow access to the rest of the bot. I didn't really think the whole thing t
  2. Ok, I had to share this. I read your post, tried the bot and spent the next TWO hours reading entries on that site! lmao Thanks a lot!
  3. I just did it, and it worked great. Here's an added bonus: http://www.convertico.com/ (It's a free online icon converter; png------>ico, etc)
  4. Got it! Thank you, and yes, I am developing this much further and will send it to you when it's done!
  5. Thank you very much Andy! As usual, I understand the concept but am struggling with the integration into the existing loop. Do you think I could send you the file so you can see the loop I'm struggling with? Everything works perfectly right now, only because I am testing with keywords I know will return a lot of results. If I could learn the conditional aspects of programming, I think my learning curve would shrink exponentially! http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif BTW your answer addresses exactly how results are returned in Twitter!
  6. Ok, I answered my own question on this part. Using $list total for # of cycles worked beautifully! but I still can't figure out the first part of my question dealing with the number of "twitterers"
  7. I joined today, tested it on my current project (about 10 attempts) and they were all correct (although one or two took almost 2 minutes)
  8. Thanks guys! I can't believe how much I love this software, and how ADDICTED I've become!http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif
  9. I've actually done this. It was pretty easy. just open up a second instance of the program (uBot) and load the other script you want. Then just copy from one and paste in the other.
  10. Ok, I have a really cool twitter bot (well, cool to me anyhow) that is almost complete. Let me see if I can explain this clearly. It is an auto friend follower that chooses "twitterers" by keyword. Obviously I have to loop this set of commands as I scrape usernames and compile a list. The problem is that the loop node requires a specific number, but not all keywords are going to return infinite results. So what happens is I will get a script error when it runs out of "next" buttons and the screen will display the phrase... "We couldn't find anyone named xxxxxxxxxxxxx" Is there a
  11. Ok, that worked perfectly, Now is it possible to add the username (with its appended digits) to a list and save it to a file for future use? I keep trying but can only get the username without the random numbers saved. Thanks.
  12. Cool, let me know what you think! Thanks.
  13. Ok, I am releasing the free version of this bot. I think you will like it (I hope!) There are currently two sites that work, don't work, etc and I will keep my eye on them and remove them if necessary. Just unzip and extract the folder, as is, to your desktop and run the bot from that folder. Get it HERE (latest version uploaded: 6/8/10) And stay tuned for the "Supercharged" version!
  14. I think I can speak for most newbs when I say this. The first day you buy uBot it looks like a bunch of hyroglyphics. The second day, it looks a bit more like a butchered english. Within the first week (assuming you are actually trying to learn the software) it makes total sense and you can start exploring the different nodes and what they do. The easiest way to do this, IMHO, is to pick a simple task you want to do and start building the bot. You will find yourself saying, "cool, now this would be great if it could also do x-y-z"...you will then pursue THAT knowledge by either employing
  15. No Problem! I am more than happy to share as I learn!
  16. I knew it had to be simple. So how do you paste the scraped info?
  17. Yeah, this is a tough one because the image and the letters are not only two separate elements, but one is a background image and the other is random text (which is not an image file, therefore captcha processes won't work on it). I still maintain, however, that the random text can be scraped somehow, I just don't know much about scraping at this point. But it will certainly be fun trying to solve this one!
  18. Hi Evyta. I have been researching this issue with the first site and found the source code you want to reference for decoding which is: <td align="center" background="Public_HTML/images/captcha.png"><font color="white" size="3"><b>*</b></font></td> where you would use the wildcard option. This doesn't solve the problem though because the decoded captcha image is white on white and you can't read it (lol...I know, not very helpful). I don't know exactly how to script this, but my thought is that the bot could grab the wildcard and add it to a list which c
  19. Ok, so as some of you are starting to realize, the more I learn about uBot the more excited I get. Today i found what has to be the simplest solution to a drop down menu i could have imagined. So I wanted to share this. Some drop down menus have some unique features that will make it very easy to choose from. The first feature you might come across is a menu that fills itself as you type the letters of the options available. I will use "month" as an example: In a menu with the 12 months as options, there will be 3 possibilities for how this menu works: 1) You type the first letter of
  20. Thank you Andy! So if I had a "Desired Username" UI text box I would insert the variable, for example, #username$rand? (I understand what you're saying, I'm just not sure how i would "construct" it). Thanks again John
  21. To add to this question, is it possible to append a random string of characters to input data? In other words, If my bot creates accounts at social bookmarking sites, etc, I would have the user input a desired username. To ensure the username is unique, could I have the bot append, say, a random 5 character string to the end of the username prior to submitting it? Thanks. John
  22. I think what you need is a program called phpmaker (5 I think). It creates web based databases that would be completely compatible with uBot.
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