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Everything posted by merkaba

  1. Edit : Misread Lets say there are 2 ui text boxes, else if would be the way to go if it has to function differently. If you really want to be anal about things (such as alert the user if they didn't fill out a field) you can also include an else if with an alert/prompt/confirm.
  2. Not sure if this is the case, but usually if something stops working or a compiled bot crashes, something wasn't 'sound' in the code. I have bots that run for weeks at a time that simply don't crash. As for the phone call, they'll usually care to verify that you indeed purchase it. If you want to get it full activated, you can probably submit a ticket and they'll call. Simple guess. With that said, welcome to the ubot community.
  3. Here's a quick example, when I switched I noticed they do their linking a lot differently. I normally don't scrape craigslist this way so I didn't notice it. cl_ex_2_miami.ubot
  4. I'm not a regex master at all, but that would likely be the route. Using $find regular expression v=\w+ will return v=2ah30iH8AUA. From there you'd add the /watch? and put it in a cell. That's about the length of my regex knowledge, if this is data you lifted from a page, its a lot easier just to scrape it while on the page with something like set(#href, $page scrape("<a href=\"/watch?v=", " class="), "Global") set(#title, $page scrape("class=\"title\" title=\"", "\">"), "Global") etc
  5. There's a command called 'set visibility' for that.
  6. using the magic <> tool, hitting the gear and setting it to use 'value="Post Now"' looked like it would work since in the two instance (regular text post, link post with preview) it appeared to be the same. You may need to set a wait for element, with a timeout to make sure facebook generating a preview doesn't prevent you from posting. These are my guesses.
  7. navigate("http://auburn.craigslist.org/cto/", "Wait") That's where you want to swap auburn, and also cto with whichever area of CL you want to use. Alternatively you can load in a list with locations (subdomains) and use something like $next list item.
  8. Ubot isn't really the platform for making an OCR. With that said they already exist, though their solve rates really depend on the platform. There's captcha sniper and GSA captcha breaker. Both are pretty hit and miss and as far as I know, neither can really solve recaptcha all that well.
  9. click(<data-action="notspam">, "Left Click", "No") thats what you need
  10. ^ This above ^ Same deal with connecting with a mysql database. I made the mistake a few weeks ago ago of not looking within the connect node and got locked out of my database for a good 12-16 hours
  11. It's for the VPN services, so you need to be a client with their vpn software.
  12. My first thought was {TAB} since you can use it for filling out fields (like the pesky yahoo one). Tried it out to no avail though.
  13. We did, got an email a few days ago. I've tested it, it's definitely better than wordai. Only qualms is like all spinners, even with a 'high readability' setting you're going to need to spend time 20 minutes or so rewriting it and comparing against copyscape if you plan on putting it on a money site.
  14. Ubot already has integration with it, or at least I noticed it today in the plugins. Edit: The plugin is there, but there's not a great deal of customization.
  15. I tend to make definitions starting off with the really basic ones (change proxies/useragent/clear cookies), followed by definitions that are specific to a task. This way I can test each definition and make sure they work before putting it all together. If I need to make changes I can find the specific definition and manage that way.
  16. define scrape for raw pages { navigate("http://auburn.craigslist.org/cto/", "Wait") comment("replace \'auburn\' and \'cto\' for the area/section you want") add list to list(%pages, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"http://*.craigslist.org/cto/*.html\">*</a>">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global") comment("the above uses the \'*\' wild card option to scrape for the urls") } define scrape emails { set list position(%pages, 0) loop($list total(%pages)) { navigate($next list item(%pages), "Wait") add item to list(%emails, $page scrape("v
  17. UI as in UI HTML or are you talking about things like the ui textbox ui open/save file etc? If it's UI HTML, search the forum for the uihtl generator (really handy), take those elements arrange them using a table. Certain things such as the HTML button act differently and require you to put the routine you want to run inside a define statement.
  18. Here's an example, wont work in all circumstances. The keyword has a wild card before and after, so it will hit pretty much pretty much everything with the keyword in it. On this one it'll hit the "Login ito Your Account" at the bottom of the page. set(#keyword, "Login", "Global") navigate("http://ubotstudio.com", "Wait") if($search page(#keyword)) { then { click(<innertext=w"*{#keyword}*">, "Left Click", "No") } else { } }
  19. Put it in a loop, something along the lines of : loop($list total(%pages)) { navigate($next list item(%pages), "Wait") add item to list(%emails, $page scrape("var displayEmail = \"", "\";"), "Delete", "Global") }
  20. Lazy Botter Is right, should look something like this ui stat monitor("Total Emails : {$list total(%emails)}", "")
  21. I figure I'd toss this up, I haven't contributed much in a while. This is generally noobish tutorial, no bells and whistles, quite literally it's a hit run and let go kind of program. With a little bit of know-how you can edit it to run multiple pages, also adding descriptions (csv may be a better way to do it) etc. Examples of why something like this is worth having around : http://tubesoftheinterweb.com/images/fgbgroup.jpg That's one of the pages I manage, we have under 2000 fans and haven't actually ever posted much of anything in the last 2 years. I decided to toss some pictures u
  22. Whenever I get paid today, this will likely be my first purchase.
  23. Tool bar Bot > *your bot's name* Properties A form should pop up showing 'Table Delimiter' Change that to whatever you want.
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