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Everything posted by totolcs

  1. Now, generate unlimited video views with the bot. It supports profiles so you can send login views. Please note that this app uses proxies & works only with rotating proxies, HTTP/HTTPS proxies. This app will immediately stop working if you use dead proxies. Functionality: Randomize Urls: Support Unlimited Urls IP rotation: sets a new IP for every navigation using Proxy. Support SSL/HTTPS Proxy (Recommended) Randomize Visit Time: Time type: Seconds (THE BOT ACCEPT THE WATCH TIME IN SECONDS YOU MUST CONVERT MINUTES INTO SECONDS) Randomized User-Agent: User-age
  2. from which website the Dreambooth api can be generated?
  3. HI, I was trying to youtube login youtube & Set_Cookie to ubot builtin browser. I have tried a lot of ways to set youtube login cookies to ubot 5.9.55 builtin chrome browser with no success. Anyone can show me some example codes so i can get_all_cookies & Set_Cookie to ubot builtin browser? So, i dont need to login to youtube again & again. Simply set the cookies to builtin browser to win access to youtube. Regards totolcs
  4. Try using latest user agent list... Latest chrome agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 Latest Firefox agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0 They should be working...
  5. very helpful. im using my own method for license management. But i think ill use your method to manage license keys. Regards Totolcs
  6. thanks for sharing. Already downloaded it but not installed yet. Thanks for the input
  7. First off all, thanks to UbotStudio developers for creating this amazing tool. It helped my family from surviving from very bad financial situation. Im very thankful to Ubot developer team. Hi guys I Dont know if this software gonna help you or not. But i developed with the hope that this tool will also help you with your VPN user experiences. Until now there is no such kind of tool that can automatically change VPN IPs for the most cyber security while you are browsing internet using a VPN. . How it works: This tool automatically will restart your VPN IP with the specified time you i
  8. You are welcome. If you need any help just leave me a message here. Kindest regards Totolcs
  9. First off all, thanks to UbotStudio developers for creating this amazing tool. It helped my family from surviving from very bad financial situation. Im very thankful to Ubot developer team. Hi guys, I hope some of you guys are selling your bots on online that requires proxies. And im 100% sure that you all are going through a deep shit with the blacklisted & dead proxies issues. As a result software not work. But till then i figured it out that proxies are 3rd party object. But still clients dont want to understand that if the bot is not working or views drops its because
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