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Everything posted by webpro

  1. clear list(%click3) add list to list(%click3,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"*\" class=\"mybtn\" target=\"_blank\">Visit This Website</a>">,"fullhref"),"Don\'t Delete","Local") loop($list total(%click3)) { navigate($next list item(%click3),"Wait") wait(5) } What's in %click3: 0 https://site.com 1 https://site2.com 2 https://site3.com etc.... So i guess it scrapped alright? Now how come i get this: "YOU HAVE EXCEEDED THE RANGE OF THE LIST"
  2. Can you access your account? At the main site?
  3. Cannot select any parameters? Cannot drag and drop nor search for them? For instance, ADD LIST TO LIST, selected a list then can't do thing? Can't select any parameters ex: $SCRAPE ATTRIBUTE What the heck have i done lol! Even if i try to search for it. I only see commands popping up. Also, i don't see a drop down with a list of all parameters options (menu on the left) when i go over PARAMETERS but works fine with commands. version 6.3.9
  4. Sorry, i meant, how do i work ubot on firefox? It does open up firefox (i already had this installed) but if i want to click on something from within firefox, using ubot? How do i do this? Firefox opens up into a new window from ubot? Thanks
  5. Hummmmm, how do work with ubot after? I mean, i can't work on the firefox window right? How do i proceed? Thanks
  6. Hummmmm, how do work with ubot after? I mean, i can't work on the firefox window right? How do i proceed? Thanks
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhh thanks I forgot about this new feature lol!
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhh thanks I forgot about this new feature lol!
  9. Can't do a thing with medium SSL protocol error. Quora, medium, gmail etc.. I guess ubot is recognized and blacklisted... Sad!
  10. Can't do a thing with quora 308 permanant redirect.
  11. Are you guys getting this from compiled bots? Windows Defender: trojan:Win32/Fuery.C!cl See pic attachement...
  12. Damn. I was like 100% sure that your idea would work! What i did is run the command you gave me then went to G and typed in "what is my user agent" to make sure i got it right and went to gmail from a Bing search to get a referrer. All of this didn't work. Don't know what to do next...
  13. Same stuff here! Not working either at stackoverflow.com Arghhhhhh set user agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36") clear cookies This browser or this app may not be secure. Try using a different browser
  14. I'm back lol! Just paid to get the latest update only to find out that i cannot login into gmail???? "This browser or this app may not be secure. Try using a different browser" I got chrome79 in the settings. What's the problem?
  15. Can you add urls on your end at: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly Tried various ways and nothing works?
  16. Yeah, that's very annoying! The false positive virus is a pain in the ...
  17. I'm having several Deserialize JSON arrray into System Boolean problems. Oh well... Hope we get an update soon on what will happen in a near futur!
  18. I got a console poping up, when i click on a video play button and it replaces the main screen with the popup. So i thought that adding this code: run javascript("history.go(-1);") would do the job? So it goes back to the page where i "clicked" on the play button. NOT! I also have this code inserted allow popups("No") Which doesn't prevent the console to take over the main browser. It works fine, if i manually click on the back button of the UB browser. (I do go back to the main page that i want to work with.)
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