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About horsemaster

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    Windows 7
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    Developer Edition

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  1. Been a while off ubot and just came back to it as I need to do some personal automation on my eBay account. I had an older version of ubot and ebay complained about the browsers being out of date. Updated ubot and now the browser works but just get continuous horrendous Captcha's showing making it unusable. Not sure how it's doing this - assume it can detect some sort of browser fingerprint. I'm running it on my normal machine and never get captcha's. I know there are a ton of work arounds with plugins ect...I think there was something called exbrowser? Was/is that still a thing? Guess i
  2. Any luck solving this? Not really used the FTP functions before and finding the same issue. If I run the FTP node, works great. Run the bot and I get reference errors?
  3. Ready to chuck ubot out of the window today. I have several bots working on my machine that I have my dev account on. So I know they work. Setup a new machine, 100% fresh windows 7 install, done all the updates. Installed .Net. Installed IE 11. All latest drivers. Disabled windows firewall. I run a bot as administrator. It refuses to correctly download the support files. Looking in /appdata/roaming/ubot I can see it downloading browser archive. It just cuts out between 4MB and 16MB and then sits there until it times out and closes. Then the process just sits in the active processes doing
  4. Hi All, I'm new to U-Bot and I'm just creating my first application. Really enjoying the speed of development. I have run into a problem I cannot work out. I have V5 and i know there might be some bugs floating around (BTW how do you get earlier versions?) So, i'm saving a table as a CSV file. A sting might be Mar: 5 but when I save as a csv its showing as a odd number like 345345.4453433 See the imagehttp://s3.postimg.org/l8g7afav7/ubot_problem.png
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