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Everything posted by nicowarschauer

  1. Hey deliter, thanks you so much for your answer. Unfortunately with the suggested modifications I get the same error. The list codigospostales is shorter than the list url. I need the bot to visit each url from the list %url and extract the shipment cost related to each zip code from the list %codigospostales. Thanks!
  2. Hey there! Newby ubot fan here. I'm wondering why I'm getting this error. I'd say I'm correctly using "set list position" which is supposed to reset my list in a loop when using the "next list item". Any idea? My script so far: clear cookies allow javascript("Yes") clear table(&tablacostosenvio) add list to list(%urls, $list from file("urls-looma.txt"), "Delete", "Global") clear list(%codigospostales) add list to list(%codigospostales, $list from file("codigospostales.txt"), "Delete", "Global") set list position(%codigospostales, 0) loop($list total(%urls)) { navigate($next list i
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