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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/13 in all areas

  1. You've been around for so long yet you expect someone who will do a good job to do it for you for $30 and give u the code. Lol good one...
    2 points
  2. I just releases my 2nd FREE UBot Plugin which will allow you to Encode and Decode URI strings (URLs) without using the "eval()" and JavaScript functions. The plugin will add 2 new functions: "$uri encode" returns a URI encoded string,"$uri encode" returns a URI decoded string. After importing the plugin you'll find the functions under "Text Functions", and the only thing you should know is that there are 2 methods for encoding (corresponding to 2 JavaScript functions), but you'll most likely be using "decodeURIComponent" in most of the cases. For more information about the plugin and ho
    1 point
  3. I think I'll pass... I wouldn't do it for you for $1,000 after reading your comments...
    1 point
  4. Fetch - <input variable="#variable" fillwith="value" type="file"> http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11960-ui-javascript-css-help/ Your right - this would make a great tutorial.
    1 point
  5. Spell check? and copywriter i hope? Things are a lot easier done, formed, and presented when the sales pitch especially when wanting others to join in or support it with a well thought out sales pitch, advertisement, and proper use of English, words, or sentences. This isn't a poke at you for your attempt, its more suggestions for your site and while moving forward things to take into consideration. I myself can struggle with this sometimes and why its best sometimes to leave it in the hands of a copywriter
    1 point
  6. I have the same problem. My solution is to connect then delete. Here is an example of that process: loop while(1 = 1) { set(#position, 0, "Global") connect to mail server("POP3", "#user name", "password", "#domain", 110) { clear table(&seedmails) create table from emails(&seedmails) if($comparison($email total messages, ">", 0)) { then { loop($email total messages) { if($either($contains($email body text(#position), "#msg"), $either($contains($email body text(#position), "#trig"), $contains($email body
    1 point
  7. what site you are talking about? what is the flow you want to automate? what is your budget? we don't read minds here...
    1 point
  8. Dude, the last thing you need to do is pay more money! Just do something, anything. Think of a task others in internet marketing want to automate, make it, and then sell it. It might only take you a couple days to make something that works and provides a benefit. Then, sell it as a WSO on warriorforum for $9. Use the money to buy meter's security system - http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12958-sell-ubotlocker-web-web-based-licensing-solution-that-prevents-decompiling-and-cracking/ Then make more powerful bots, rinse and repeat. A couple of tips: Sign up for warriorplus.
    1 point
  9. man that seems so simple. I feel like an idiot everytime i see someone do what I could not do after hours and hours.
    1 point
  10. navigate("http://www.google.ca/", "Wait") click($element offset(<class="gbts">, 2), "Left Click", "No") type text(<id="gs_tti0">, "puppies", "Standard") click(<name="btnG">, "Left Click", "No") add list to list(%puppies, $scrape attribute(<class="rg_i">, "fullsrc"), "Delete", "Global") navigate($random list item(%puppies), "Wait") you will need some wait commands but that is basics http://screencast.com/t/ddJkpyTe
    1 point
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