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About jackg904

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    Not Telling

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    Windows 10
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  1. What's the best way to go about finding it?
  2. Getting an error in web console "VM228 about:blank:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'l' of undefined" When running run javascript("___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].aa.l.callback('{#callback}');") It worked just fine all morning and suddenly started giving this with NO CHANGES. If someone can please advise.
  3. Am unable to find the data-callback now- and using the suggested scrape isn't doing anything either. set(#ScrapeCallback,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-callback"),"Global") run javascript("{#ScrapeCallback}();") stop script Any suggestions??
  4. I'm looking at debugger as I'm modifying this to be used for google search and it doesn't appear to be sorting based on value, and isn't navigating. Same exact code using "class "r" for google, but it's not working by any stretch. Any ideas?
  5. Bought plugin... set(#ApiKey,"SNIP","Global") set user agent("Chrome") navigate("http://www.discord.com/register","Wait") type text(<email field>,$insert text("SNIP@gmail.com",$random text(2),16),"Standard") type text(<username field>,$random text(8),"Standard") type text(<password field>,$random text(8),"Standard") wait(1) click(<innertext="Continue">,"Left Click","No") click(<type="submit">,"Left Click","No") wait(3) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait for element(<class="recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark">,"","Appear") wait(1) set(#GoogleSiteK
  6. Can you give me more information? My discord is "Enron#4901"
  7. Hi, Yes this is what I am already using in terms of the API- but I am not getting anywhere at this time. Do you have any suggestions? I was also using PACs? PACHA? PASH? Captcha Plugin.
  8. After submitting on the registration page: Here is my code to solve the captcha Earlier I set the googlekey+apikey set(#GoogleKey,"6Lef5iQTAAAAAKeIvIY-DeexoO3gj7ryl9rLMEnn","Global") wait($rand(1,10)) plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "move mouse", "bot* - UBot Studio Stealth Experimental Edition", "HwndWrapper[UBot Studio.exe;;273c6330-3764-4432-9688-3036d180be4b]", 1403, 731) click(<type="submit">,"Left Click","No") wait($rand(1,10)) wait for element(<class="recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark">,"","Appear") loop while($exists(<class="recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark">)) {
  9. For the life of me I can't beat Discord's Captcha- I've tried everything, and it seems to be infinitely appearing- Anyone broken this or have any ideas?
  10. Wow! Okay that's really cool- thank you so much. Going to play around and try to exactly understand the code behind this so I don't ask anymore stupid questions. Cheers mate.
  11. Not quite- You got it to navigate where I wanted though- so that makes me happy! I'm trying to have it look at all the "doctors" on the page, and click the most similar to what is entered, so if Ranga Krishna is entered it picks Ranga Chelva Krishna(the first most similar one)
  12. Also tried: set(#offset,0,"Global") set(#INPUT Keyword,"Ranga Chelva Krishna","Global") clear list(%RESULTS) add list to list(%RESULTS,$scrape attribute(<data-reactid=".1xuzrq8sfms.3:$2060729.1">,"fullhref"),"Delete","Global") set(#RESULTS Row,0,"Global") loop($list total(%RESULTS)) { if($contains($list item(%RESULTS,#RESULTS Row),#INPUT Keyword)) { then { click(<href=#INPUT Keyword>,"Left Click","No") wait for browser event("Page Loaded",10) wait(25) } else { } } increment(#RESULTS Row) But it's not
  13. Racking my brains here, am new to UBot and have read a bunch of things- but still having difficulties. I'm trying to have the bot find a text thats similar to an entered result, then click that element if it's there.. I can't seem to get that to work though- only exact matches somewhat "work" and even then- the element isn't actually navigated too. I borrowed code from an old thread and am trying to modify it to do what I need. Here's my code: navigate("http://ratemds.com","Wait") type text(<name="text">,"ranga krishna","Standard") click(<class="btn btn-default">,"Left Click"
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