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About OnionEntertainment

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  1. Thank you for reply. I scraped google key to variable. I assume that now I should make ubot visit the url below in new browser with given correct 2captcha key, google key and "my site url", am I right? http://2captcha.com/in.php?key=#my2captchaApiKey&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey=#myGoogleKey&pageurl=http://mysite.com/page/with/recaptcha?appear=1&here=now My site url is a problem, this captcha is appearing only for logged users, what sould I put there? The url is this: https://muve.pl/koszyk/podsumowanie but if you are not logged in it will not appear ---------------UPDAT
  2. Thank you for your reply. I'm new to ubot studio. When I use right click inside ubot studio browser and click on "View source" I can find only: <div class='g-recaptcha' data-sitekey='6Lfx8iMTAAAAALM0eNTPAdveeoFkj2teB9xE1N4_'></div><script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=pl'></script> </section> There is no iframe which I could make visable. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, could you help me with this? Edit: Do you know if there is reade code or plugin I could use to do this in easier way? edit2 I found response element, do you
  3. Hallo, I've created account on 2captcha and added credits. I added it to ubot studio and it confirms I got credits. I have recaptcha to solve, Usually it's like 3 x 3 pick road signs or something. 1.I make my bot click on checkbox so captcha appears. 2. I use: solve click captcha(<id="rc-imageselect">) And now there is a problem, it looks like web browser is zooming out for a moment to fill completly in browser without scrolling and later it makes screenshot. When I go to 2captcha website and click on recent screenshots I can see these are only partial of captcha. I believe this is wh
  4. I use LTE modem with WIFI to do the same. I've choosen wifi version so it has configuration panel through browser by typing it's local address and it has "restart" option. After restarting it you get new iP. It cost me like 100$ Of course you could also use normal USB modem and use windows automation to make bot click on disconnect and later connect button. Such modem cost about 10$-20$. I don't think it is possible to do so on phone and 20$ is not too expensive.
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