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About Atd

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  1. I've same problems, If I do manually example in Firefox its working fine but If I do same thing using ubot its flagged as spam, then again if i try in firefox is working Strange
  2. Thanks but can you recheck or test, or making an example, ive tried 10+ methods but im finding a good way to vote up, sometimes is not focusing the comment to vote
  3. Try with Scrape Page, example: navigate("http://www.majesticseo.com/reports/site-explorer/summary/joshmccann.com", "Wait") set(#referringdomains, $page scrape(" Referring Domains </p> <p style=\"font-size: 150%;\"> <b>", "</b>"), "Global") set(#referringipaddresses, $page scrape(" <p>Referring <b>IP</b> addresses: <b>", "</b> </p>"), "Global") set(#externalbacklinks, $page scrape(" External Backlinks </p> <p style=\"font-size: 150%;\"> <b>", "</b>"), "Global") load html("Referring Domains: {#referringdom
  4. Since youtube changes months ago that hey added session tokken and other things, now for voting up comments, we still can use sending a post request with session token to /comment_voting?a=1&id=r2OrN............. (tried but Im not that good in this section) or we need another method for this?
  5. I cant figure out how to rate comments using ubot4 since last yt update months ago, Im curios how you did this
  6. Hey, I've a similar script/bot that I used for a fb viral script using blogger, I've build for my requirements but it can easly modified,... I cant send pm here (it displays a 403error), but I will contact you on skype tomorrow, see you.
  7. Hi I'm using (?<='token': ').*?(?=') to scrape code1 from 'token': 'code1', how can i scrape code2 from code below: 'token' : 'token2=code2', and there are more than one token2 so i cant use (?<=token2=).*?(?=')
  8. I've tested IE9 Beta, its like a currect chrome, but some functions are not improved yet, like cookies and some other functions behind iframes
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