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How To Get The Password Value From Xaml Passwordbox ?

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Normally to get the value of a control you wouldn't otherwise be able to - I would bind the value to an invisible textbox and read it from there. But the passwordbox is kind of a special exception because you can't do that. I think in this case it would need to be added to the plugin. You might be able to make a control which displays the * character but I have a feeling this wouldn't work either and you would just end up with a bunch of stars as the value instead of the password because it would be reading the text property.


Or maybe you can hide a password box and have the user input into a textbox then bind the text to the password box and then hide the textbox and show the password box. It's not ideal but maybe it could work.


Here's a brief example how to bind it:

	<TextBox x:Name="tb1" Text="{Binding ElementName=pb1, Path=Password, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
	<PasswordBox x:Name="pb1"/>
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