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Successful Control Of A Desktop Software

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Has anyone been able to control a desktop piece of software?


I know UBS does not have in depth features for this...


My initial attempts aren't working.


Just wondered it it works at all, any threads on it?


Any advice/tutorials?



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You can use the Windows Commands/Functions they are a part of a plugin that comes with Ubot. Here is some more info:




Thanks HelloInsomnia,


But that is what I was saying UBS (uBot Studio) isn't that robust, and my initial attempts failing.


So, I was looking for anyone/ any threads on success or ideas using the built in uBot Studio feature. :)

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I don't know if there are any good tutorials and when you say its not that robust it makes me think its lacking some features you need. If that is the case the I'd have a look at Pash's plugin which may be more suited to your needs: http://ubotplugin.com/product/advanced-windows-automation/

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