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Parsing Multiple List Items To Columns In Table

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Hey Guys,

I scraped a list that ended up pulling a full address and I want to parse end one of the line items to columns in a table (see attached picture), how do I do this? I tried 'add the list to table as column', but when I save it to a CSV and then open the file, only the first line ("Amf") of the whole address was saved. Looking to have each line go to a different column (Name, Address, phone #, etc.)

Any idea? Probably an easy fix but I can't figure it out. 



Edited by MaximusAurelius
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comment("Ubot command save to csv bug if data have \",\"")
Training in 
en Minutes or Less","Global")
set table cell(&Table,0,0,"Name")
set table cell(&Table,0,1,"Address")
set table cell(&Table,0,2,"Phone")
add list to list(%TableRow,$list from text(#Text,$new line),"Delete","Global")
add list to table as row(&Table,1,0,%TableRow)
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