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C# Facebook post on group`s wall

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Hi everyone.

im trying to post some text and link on group`s wall, but i dont know where i can find/parse/etc.

 params of Post-request:

some params i can parse in response of LinkPreview-request.

function, that trying to post:

public static string PostPost(CookieDictionary cookies, string img, string title, string desc, string favicon, string proxy, string param, string grLnk, string myUrl, string imgsrc, string[] logTime, string medium, string LinkPreview)
            string content = "";

            using (var request = new HttpRequest())

                request.UserAgent = HttpHelper.ChromeUserAgent();

                request.AddHeader("Accept", "*/*");
                request.KeepAlive = true;
                request.AddHeader("Referer", grLnk);
                request.Cookies = cookies;

                string _user = StringHelper.Substring(param, ":{\"viewer\":", ",");
                string _rev = StringHelper.Substring(param, "\"revision\":", ",");
                string fb_dtsg = StringHelper.Substring(param, "name=\"fb_dtsg\" value=\"", "\"");

                var cityParams = new RequestParams();

                cityParams["target_id"] = "0";
                cityParams["__user"] = _user;
                cityParams["__a"] = "1";
                cityParams["__dyn"] = "";
                cityParams["__req"] = "21";
                cityParams["fb_dtsg"] = fb_dtsg;
                cityParams["ttstamp"] = "";
                cityParams["__rev"] = _rev;

                string city = request.Post("https://www.facebook.com/ajax/places/city_sharer_reset.php", cityParams).ToString();

                city = StringHelper.Substring(city, "\"citypageid\":\"", "\"");

                string group = request.Get(grLnk).ToString();

                string targetid = StringHelper.Substring(group, "group_id=", "\"");
                string xhpc_composerid = StringHelper.Substring(group, "name=\"xhpc_composerid\" value=\"", "\"");
                string xhpc_publish_type = StringHelper.Substring(group, "name=\"xhpc_publish_type\" value=\"", "\"");
                string xhpc_ismeta = StringHelper.Substring(group, "name=\"xhpc_ismeta\" value=\"", "\"");
                string xhpc_context = StringHelper.Substring(group, "name=\"xhpc_context\" value=\"", "\"");

                string appid = StringHelper.Substring(param, "appid=", "&");


                var UrlParams = new RequestParams();

                UrlParams["composer_session_id"] = "";
                UrlParams["fb_dtsg"] = fb_dtsg;
                UrlParams["xhpc_context"] = xhpc_context;
                UrlParams["xhpc_ismeta"] = xhpc_ismeta;
                UrlParams["xhpc_timeline"] = "";
                UrlParams["xhpc_composerid"] = xhpc_composerid;
                UrlParams["xhpc_targetid"] = targetid;
                UrlParams["xhpc_publish_type"] = xhpc_publish_type;
                UrlParams["clp"] = "{\"cl_impid\":\"????\",\"clearcounter\":0,\"elementid\":\"u_jsonp_2_x\",\"version\":\"x\",\"parent_fbid\":" + targetid + "}";
                UrlParams["xhpc_message_text"] = Vars.message;
                UrlParams["xhpc_message"] = Vars.message;
                UrlParams["aktion"] = "post";
                UrlParams["app_id"] = appid;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][urlInfo][canonical]"] = myUrl;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][urlInfo][final]"] = myUrl;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][urlInfo][user]"] = myUrl;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][urlInfo][log]["+logTime[0]+"]"] = myUrl;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][urlInfo][log][" + logTime[1] + "]"] = myUrl;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][favicon]"] = favicon;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][title]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"attachment[params][title]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["attachment[params][summary]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"attachment[params][summary]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["attachment[params][images][0]"] = imgsrc;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][medium]"] = medium;
                UrlParams["attachment[params][url]"] = myUrl;
                UrlParams["attachment[type]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"attachment[type]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[source]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[source]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[domain]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[domain]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[base_domain]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[base_domain]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[title_len]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[title_len]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[summary_len]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[summary_len]\" value=\"", "\""); 
                UrlParams["link_metrics[min_dimensions][0]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[min_dimensions][0]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[min_dimensions][1]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[min_dimensions][1]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_with_dimensions]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_with_dimensions]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_pending]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_pending]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_fetched]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_fetched]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["link_metrics[image_dimensions][0]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[image_dimensions][0]\" value=\"", "\"");
                UrlParams["link_metrics[image_dimensions][1]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[image_dimensions][1]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_selected]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_selected]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_considered]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_considered]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_cap]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_cap]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["link_metrics[images_type]"] = StringHelper.Substring(LinkPreview, " name=\"link_metrics[images_type]\" value=\"", "\""); ;
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[best_image_w]"] = "100";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[best_image_h]"] = "100";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[image_selected]"] = "0";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[images_provided]"] = "1";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[images_loaded]"] = "1";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[images_shown]"] = "1";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[load_duration]"] = "42";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[timed_out]"] = "0";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[sort_order]"] = "";
                UrlParams["composer_metrics[selector_type]"] = "UIThumbPager_6";
                UrlParams["is_explicit_place"] = "";
                UrlParams["composertags_place"] = "";
                UrlParams["composertags_place_name"] = "";
                UrlParams["tagger_session_id"] = logTime[1];
                UrlParams["action_type_id[0]"] = "";
                UrlParams["object_str[0]"] = "";
                UrlParams["object_id[0]"] = "";
                UrlParams["og_location_id[0]"] = "";
                UrlParams["hide_object_attachment"] = "0";
                UrlParams["og_suggestion_mechanism"] = "";
                UrlParams["og_suggestion_logging_data"] = "";
                UrlParams["icon_id"] = "";
                UrlParams["composertags_city"] = "";
                UrlParams["disable_location_sharing"] = "false";
                UrlParams["composer_predicted_city"] = city;
                UrlParams["nctr[_mod]"] = "pagelet_group_composer";
                UrlParams["__user"] = _user;
                UrlParams["__a"] = "1";
                UrlParams["__dyn"] = "";
                UrlParams["__req"] = "d";
                UrlParams["ttstamp"] = "";
                UrlParams["__rev"] = _rev;

                var response = request.Post("https://www.facebook.com/ajax/updatestatus.php?__av="+_user, UrlParams);

                content = response.ToString();


            return content;

I dont know where i can parse composer_session_idclp and tagger_session_id :( 

Please, help ,e :unsure:

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Link explains how you can do it by reading and processing the header after login to then post as needed or get groups list



i read all info, and where i can found some info about composer_session_idclp and tagger_session_id?


i did not find any actual information :(


please, help me! it is very urgently


p.s. sorry for the mistakes in English



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in the reference i gave you he mentions that the header is after login redirect, and grab the cookies from the header and session data to analyze it.


the class c# file is given in the reference to help you reproduce it.


Im not at the pc at the moment and cant open visual studio and provide a lot of testing to find the solution for you.  however the reference i gave you should step by step walk you through it.

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in the reference i gave you he mentions that the header is after login redirect, and grab the cookies from the header and session data to analyze it.


the class c# file is given in the reference to help you reproduce it.


Im not at the pc at the moment and cant open visual studio and provide a lot of testing to find the solution for you.  however the reference i gave you should step by step walk you through it.

I have not found anything useful. Please help!

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